Book Detail


Sharpening Your Brain


If you could increase your brain power, then theoretically you could accomplish almost anything. While having a healthy and strong body is highly important as well, most of us would probably agree that our activities are more reliant on our cognitive abilities rather than our physical ones.

Table of Contents
Chapter 01 – Overview
Become Limitless
This Book
Chapter 02 – What are Neurotransmitters and How do they
Brain Plasticity
Chapter 03 – Nootropics
Do Nootropics Work?
Chapter 04 – The Brain Nutrition
Chapter 05 – Brain Training
Accidental Brain Training
Chapter 06 – Brain Plasticity
The Ultimate Way to Enhance Plasticity
The Program
Chapter 07 – What is Working Memory?
A Different Way to Look at Working Memory
Chapter 08 – Mindfulness
Taking it Further
Controlling Mental State
Chapter 09 – Your Plan for the Ultimate Brain Upgrade



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