Book Detail


Breathing Principles


The objective is not to completely eliminate stress or anxiety. This is something we need to make clear right from the very start.

Believe it or not, stress and anxiety are actually useful emotions. Both put the body into a physiological state of heightened arousal, attention and awareness and can even increase physical strength and power. When you’re stressed, you’re essentially ‘amped up’ and this makes you better at completing physical tasks or reacting on the spot. Psychologists have also shown that stress can be a positive motivating force in the right circumstances.

Table of Contents
Chapter 01 – A Peek into your Fight or Flight Response
The Problem With the Fight or Flight Response
Chapter 02 – What are Neurotransmitters?
What is a Flow State?
How Neurotransmitters Work
Chapter 03 – Foods and Other Medication to Stay Calm
How We Already Manipulate Our Neurotransmitters
Other Substances That Affect Your Neurotransmitters
Chapter 04 – Managing Panic Attacks and Anxiety
Panic Attack Symptoms
What is a Normal Heart Rate During a Panic Attack?
Managing Anxiety and Panic Attacks
How to Combat Anxiety and Panic Attacks by Controlling Your Thoughts and
The AWARE Technique for Panic Attacks
Exposure Therapy
Chapter 05 – Cognitive Behavioral Therapy Explained
Behaviorism and a Brief Psychology History Lesson
Introducing Cognitive Behavioral Therapy
Cognitive Behavioral Therapy Techniques
Thought Recording
Thought Challenging
Hypothesis Testing
How to be Socially Fearless With Hypothesis Testing
Chapter 06 – How Can Meditation Help?
Mindfulness Meditation
Transcendental Meditation
Some Tips and Advice
Chapter 07 – Breathing Techniques and Visualizations
Abdominal Breathing
Other Breathing Methods and Visualizations
Chapter 08 – Power Positions, Facial Feedback, Priming and Grounding
Power Positions
Facial Feedback
Chapter 09 – Cognitive Biases – How to Make Better Decisions
Gambler’s Fallacy
Risk Aversion
Confirmation Bias
Functional Fixedness
Hindsight Bias
Contrast Effect
Chapter 10: Wrapping it Up



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