Book Detail




Have you heard other people talking about Optimal Living and are wondering what it is and whether it could help you to achieve more of your goals in life? In this guide, we take a closer look at what optimal living is all about and how you can make changes to your life to exploit its full potential.

Introduction ………………………………………………………………… 5
Chapter 1: Track Your Sleep……………………………………………. 8
How and Why Can You Track Your Sleep? ………………………………………….9
The Benefits of Sleep Tracking…………………………………………………………..10
Chapter 2: Protect Yourself from Blue Light……………………..14
How Does Blue Light Affect Your Body? ……………………………………………14
How Can the Blue Light Exposure Problem Be Resolved?…………………16
Chapter 3: Drink Alkaline Water……………………………………..19
Why is Alkaline Water Better? …………………………………………………………..19
Chapter 4: Try Red Light Therapy ……………………………………25
What Is Red Light Therapy?………………………………………………………………25
How to Benefit from Red Light Therapy ……………………………………………27
Chapter 5: Get More Active …………………………………………….31
The Problems of a Sedentary Lifestyle……………………………………………….31
How Can I Get More Active? ……………………………………………………………..34
Chapter 6: Practice Mindfulness ……………………………………. 39
What Is Mindfulness?………………………………………………………………………..40
How Does Mindfulness Work? ………………………………………………………….41
Top Tips for Introducing Mindfulness Practice into Your Life…………..44
Chapter 7: Eat More Whole Foods……………………………………47
The Junk Food Problem…………………………………………………………………….48
What Are Whole Foods?…………………………………………………………………….50
Why Eat More Whole Foods?…………………………………………………………….51
How to Eat More Whole Foods ………………………………………………………….54
Chapter 8: Add Probiotics to Your Diet…………………………….57
What Exactly Are Probiotics?…………………………………………………………….58
Chapter 9: Cryotherapy………………………………………………… 64
What is Cryotherapy? ………………………………………………………………………..64
What are the Benefits of Cryotherapy?………………………………………………66
Chapter 10: Purify Your Air ………………………………………….. 69
Why do I Need to Purify my Air?……………………………………………………….69
How Can I Keep the Air in my Home Pure? ………………………………………72



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