Book Detail


The Foolproof Diet


Losing weight is probably one of the things most Americans are concerned with. The obesity epidemic is rampant and can cause a lot of people to have many health issues and other difficulties. Weight loss has become more and more important, not just as a beauty standard or trend, but because it can be so dangerous to live your life on processed foods. Processed foods are probably one of the leading killers of people who suffer from obesity in North America.

Table of Contents
Introduction 04
Chapter 1: Tracking Your Current Diet 07
Chapter 2: Starting a Food Journal 10
Chapter 3:Getting Ridof Problem Foods 14
Chapter 4: Slow and Steady Wins the Race 19
Chapter 5: Combining Exercise for Best Results 23
Chapter 6: Creating a Calorie Deficit for Weight Loss 26
Chapter 7:Introducing Fruits and Vegetables for Weight Loss 30
Chapter 8: TheImportance of Drinking Water for Weight Loss 34
Chapter 9: Lean Meats and Healthy Protein Sources 40
Chapter 10: Planning Meals and Other Tips and Tricks 44



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